Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rollin' the Rogue on Haomarush...

So me and a good friend decided to re-roll horde on an old server that honestly went to waste after a while and became so bad that you knew everyone who stepped into a town and if anyone transferred over it was the talk around the world. So coming from an awesome server as in Black DragonFlight to Hao...its a start at least. So I have never been a fan of going horde because they seemed to usually always be on the winning side of things, and being me, I rebelled. I first rolled a warlock, with the name Sulrom. I am not the person to have too much time on his hands, so leveling became difficult alone, and I picked up a friend. So re-rolling a character I usually get killed by, a rogue, playing horde, and trying hard to enjoy it.

So playing a horde character is not that bad, the only real reason I chose to come back to Hao is because of some deep-rooted friends who never got off of the server and I decided to pay them back for my time gone with a re-roll. The rogue is a very mighty character and has some very neat abilities that have caught my interest. I am starting to get into the level area of twenty. It's pretty fun stealthing around a back stabbing and what not. Sneaky but strong, the exact thing I hated facing when on my Warlock. Ok, this is a warning for those who are going to roll a horde character, the Barrens general and trade channels can both be found abundantly filled with some of the worst and most repetitive God awful Chuck Norris jokes of all time. Along with the "!Your Mom!" jokes, you basically want to rip your monitor off of your desk and throw it a great distance. The Alliance quests and Horde quests seem to be kind of the same format, kill this many creatures, obtain this many whatevers, no real differences. The game goes a lot quicker when you have the refer-a-friend experience boost...double experience for mobs and quests too! Go out and get yourself a free trial if you have not yet purchased the game and have someone refer you to level much quicker!

I have slowly grown attached to my new character purchasing his new skills and upgrading his combat points, trying to see how I can create the best combos and what works well against what. Working on getting him some better daggers through my Rogue class quest, still have my double experience so I really need to MAKE time now instead of FIND it. I hear that from the levels 30 up to 50 the quests become more complex and have a much higher difficulty so at least it will keep me entertained being a competition addict of my friends. So on an overall look at my first quests, skills, leveling, game play, cities and population, Horde doesn't seem to be too bad of a side to be on, most people are willing to help you out and the questing is usually very easy making your time more valuable to your experience per hour value. Well this seems to be as much as I can say for now but from 5/19 to 5/24 I promise to have a game review each and everyday of some of the hottest new games so come back tomorrow afternoon to read on the latest in new game reviews!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea you played WoW.

    Jason and I toy with it at least once a year. We've made a home of the Steamwheedle Cartel server (RP).

    We have a pair of blood elf paladins and a pair of draenei. We've not advanced past level 34, primarily because we'll subscribe for a month, get tired of doing quests, and then move on to something else.

    Currently, that something else is City of Heroes.
